Solid shapes video
Solid shapes video

"I have used your starters for 3 years now and would not have a lesson without one! Fantastic way to engage the pupils at the start of a lesson."Ĭomment recorded on the 1 August 'Starter of the Day' page by Peter Wright, St Joseph's College: Thank you!"Ĭomment recorded on the 16 March 'Starter of the Day' page by Mrs A Milton, Ysgol Ardudwy: It is particularly useful when things can be saved for further use. Only recently been discovered but is used daily with all my classes. We all often use the starters as the pupils come in the door and get settled as we take the register."Ĭomment recorded on the 28 May 'Starter of the Day' page by L Smith, Colwyn Bay: Thank you!!"Ĭomment recorded on the 3 October 'Starter of the Day' page by Fiona Bray, Cams Hill School: "3 NQTs in the department, I'm new subject leader in this new academy - Starters R Great!! Lovely resource for stimulating learning and getting eveyone off to a good start. Keep them coming please."Ĭomment recorded on the 10 September 'Starter of the Day' page by Carol, Sheffield PArk Academy: The variety of material is interesting and exciting and always engages the teacher and pupils. "My Primary 7 class in Mercy Primary school, Belfast, look forward to your mental maths starters every morning. To the creator of this website and all of those teachers who have contributed to it, I would like to say a big THANK YOU!!! :)."Ĭomment recorded on the 21 October 'Starter of the Day' page by Mr Trainor And His P7 Class(All Girls), Mercy Primary School, Belfast: "I am an NQT and have only just discovered this website. I set it as an optional piece of work for my year 11's over a weekend and one girl came up with 3 independant solutions."Ĭomment recorded on the 8 May 'Starter of the Day' page by Mr Smith, West Sussex, UK: "My year 8's absolutely loved the "Separated Twins" starter. Peacock, Downe House School and Kennet School: Use it most of the time in KS3."Ĭomment recorded on the 18 September 'Starter of the Day' page by Mrs. Thanks."Ĭomment recorded on the 1 February 'Starter of the Day' page by Terry Shaw, Beaulieu Convent School: I like being able to access Starters for the whole month so I can use favourites with classes I see at different times of the week. The questions are so varied I can use them with all of my classes, I even let year 13 have a go at some of them. "A Maths colleague introduced me to your web site and I love to use it. I was about to try and get together a bank of starters but time is always required elsewhere, so thank you."Ĭomment recorded on the 19 November 'Starter of the Day' page by Lesley Sewell, Ysgol Aberconwy, Wales: "Thank you for sharing such a great resource. We developed it into a whole lesson and I borrowed some hats from the drama department to add to the fun!"Ĭomment recorded on the 9 April 'Starter of the Day' page by Jan, South Canterbury:

solid shapes video

These starters have saved my time and have made my lessons enjoyable."Ĭomment recorded on the 12 July 'Starter of the Day' page by Miss J Key, Farlingaye High School, Suffolk: They are of immence help and the students enjoy them very much. "I am thankful for providing such wonderful starters. Pupils should be taught to apply Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometric ratios to find angles and lengths in right-angled triangles dimensional figures more.Ĭomment recorded on the 6 May 'Starter of the Day' page by Natalie, London: Pupils should be taught to calculate surface areas and volumes of spheres, pyramids, cones and composite solids more. Pupils should be taught to construct and interpret plans and elevations of 3D shapes more. Pupils should be taught to use the properties of faces, surfaces, edges and vertices of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres to solve problems in 3-D more. Pupils should be taught to derive and apply formulae to calculate and solve problems involving: perimeter and area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezia, volume of cuboids (including cubes) and other prisms (including cylinders) more. Pupils should be taught to calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including cubic centimetres and cubic metres, and extending to other units more. Pupils should be taught to recognise when it is possible to use formulae for area and volume of shapes more. Pupils should be taught to recognise, describe and build simple 3-D shapes, including making nets more. Pupils should be taught to estimate volume and capacity more. Pupils should be taught to identify 3-D shapes, including cubes and other cuboids, from 2-D representations more.

Solid shapes video