He broke her heart when he married another. (to cause the heart) to be overwhelmed with sorrow: His heart broke when she married another.to give way or fail, as health or spirit: Her spirit broke when her two daughters died so young.to appear or begin violently and suddenly: After some rumbling in the distance,the storm suddenly broke.(of the day or dawn) to grow light: Day was breaking.The hunters broke through the underbrush. to run or dash toward something suddenly įorce one's way: He broke for the goal line.
Break down free#

to better (a record): When he jumped over eight feet he broke the old record of 7 feet 10 inches.Penetrate: The stone broke the surface of the water. to exchange for, or divide into, smaller units: Can you break a ten-dollar bill?.Cryptography to discover the system, etc., for figuring out (a code): During World War II theUnited States had broken the Japanese war codes.Radio contact broke after just a few moments. Stop: He broke radio contact when he realized he was being intercepted. Let's break for lunch and come back later. to interrupt (quiet, peace, or some continuing process or activity): A scream broke the silence.The blood vessel broke and blood poured out. Rupture: When you fell you just broke the skin, so there's only a little blood. to fracture a bone of: He broke his arm.to disobey or disregard (a law, promise, etc.): She broke her promise not to drink.to (cause to) stop working, as through wear or damage: I broke my watch.to smash, split, or divide into parts violently: He took the vase and broke it open.ken /ˈbroʊkən/ USA pronunciation break.

Break /breɪk/ USA pronunciation v., broke /broʊk/ USA pronunciation bro